I have to say, I love the Netherlands and I love the Dutch and their crazy language. We get a few Dutch radio stations and are often crossing the border into the Netherlands to pick up groceries as they have a much larger selection of goods than can be found in Germany. I don't really know how to describe how Dutch sounds except to say that it sounds kinda like gibberish. The title of this post is pronounced: who got it and it's how you say how's it going. Some other Dutch favorites are: soap=zeep and pudding=vla. I mean come on, vla! That's not a word! Please pass the vla! I have met several Dutch people over the last two years from our travels and from friends at the boys' school and I think they are fun, friendly people. The all speak English really well partly because there is no Dutch tv. They watch tv in English with Dutch subtitles. We took a trip to Amsterdam last summer and really enjoyed it. The whole city has a canal system and we were able to purchase a family hop on hop off ticket for the canal boats to take us around the city. We toured around the city, ate some good food, avoided the "coffee shops" and the red light district....although I found it immensely amusing that there are late night tours offered through the red light district that are led by former prostitutes. Reading through the reviews of this tour on my favorite go-to website www.viator.com for figuring out what to do where when we travel was intertaining! My favorite review was short and to the point and said: very informative! Yes, I'm sure it was.
This last Saturday we loaded the fam up in the VW Touran to spend the day in Roermond, NL. This little city is about 40 min from where we live. It has an excellent grocery store and a good movie theater with a large selection of movies shown in English. We took the kids to see Zookeeper (I'll save you the time and the money, you can pass on this one) picked up some tasty Dutch goods, swung through KFC and headed home. Thanks Roermond for another great day trip, dank je wel (kinda sounds like donkey vell).
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