Friday, September 16, 2011

A Beautiful Day

I took this photo today after I dropped James off at his preschool. This is in the forest where he goes to school and where I go walking. It is probably the most beautiful piece of land I have ever been on. It is so peaceful and quiet in there. All I can hear are sounds of nature with the birds chirping and the wind through the trees. When I think of things I will miss when we go back home, this place is pretty high up on the list!


  1. Hi Hilary,
    I have loved reading about your fun trips, catching up with you via your blog. I was at Grandma's house and she showed me your blog! Good to see you and watch your boys grow!
    Love to all,
    Teri H. Garritson

  2. Thanks Teri! Miss you guys and hope you and your family are doing well!
